Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How To Make Realtek RTL8191SE Work on Slackware

Realtek RTL8191SE is figured below :

  • What you need is the realtek driver. You can download it form Realtek Driver for Linux.
  • Uncompress it.
  • tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz
  • Go to the directory
  • Just simple make and make install
After this you will notice the wifi not up, you need to init 6

After reboot your machine, you can type in
# iwconfig  --> you should see RTL8191SE as your wlan0
# ifconfig wlan0 up -> It will bring up your wifi card
# iwlist wlan0 scan -> Scan network around you.
# iwconfig essid "NetworkName" key "YourKey" -> Join your network
# dhcpcp -d -> got DHCP address.

That's all, will share another thing later :)
